How to make your collage
print an image of your site
copy your desired images into a document
resize your images based on the size needed for your site photo
print your images and cut them out
paste them onto your site photo
open your site photo in photoshop or another photo editing app such as
copy and paste the images you would like to use into the file
resize images and rearrange them to your liking
save and export the image
Example of a digital collage using the images provided below:
Use the images below to get started!
The use of magazines, patterns, and other imagery found online to create your collage is encouraged!
safety elements
reflective post
pedestrian crossing sign
traffic cone
cone and post barrier
folding barricade
slow down sign
table for four
pallet chair
metal planter
shade sails
string lights
table for two
picnic table
metal planter on wheels
tire planter
temporary tent
pallet seats and table
diy tree planter with seats
small planter
artistic elements
mural label
crosswalk label
interactive elements